Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Truly, All God's Children...

Allan writing again: "I am Kansas!", "I am Ohio!", the older boys said
excitedly. "Kansas!" a younger boy added taking the arm of the older
"Kansas"; they nodded when I identified them as brothers. These were,
of course, not their names they were sharing, but they were every bit
their identification as they waited expectantly for the day their
families would come and take them to America as we were for our Melat.
Still, there was something important they wanted to tell me. Pressing
their hands in front of them and bowing their heads, they gathered
around a boy who I knew was named Dave (one of the only names I can
remember!) Through our simple words and gestures, I understood what
they were communicating: Dave was still waiting to be matched to a
family; he was not a "Kansas", "Ohio", or any other of the 48 states
yet. This was how my day visiting Hannah's Hope ended yesterday
(Tuesday). Sarah and I had been able to wake up with Melat cradled in
her Moses-basket next to us. After bottle, bath, showers and breakfast,
we had headed back to her transition home to let her nap there while we
made our one and only trip out to shopping. It was hard for each parent
in our group to leave our children behind, even if only for a few hours,
but not so hard when you see first-hand how loved they are with their
'special mothers'. The best part of the day was coming back to reunite -
Melat still remembered us :) As she sat happily in momma's arms and
watched, I got to play with the other kids in the courtyard. They were
so much fun! Playing catch with balls, posing for endless photo shoots,
racing hotwheels, fixing dislocated axles on said hotwheels, and, of
course, soccer. The older boys relished the chance to kick a new, neon
yellow soccer ball around the court (purchased by one of our group).
Apparently, getting a funny looking adult like me to play with them was
a treat. It took about five minutes for them to finally communicate the
idea of playing 'keep-away', but we finally got on the same page and
had a great time...even though, when I missed, they insisted that I not
have to be "it" - "Ish, ish."(it's okay) they would say as they tapped
their chest and graciously insisted on taking my spot instead. One of
our best memories of this time at Hannah's Hope was when Tim and Dawn
pulled out cardboard Spiderman masks to fold and wear. Every boy, young
and old alike, swarmed them and soon the yard was full of web-flinging
superheroes! We'll share pictures of that when we can. I only wish it
was easier to visit these precious children than living on seperate
sides of the world will allow. It is a joyous place that truly fills
you heart. Today is a slower day that will be spent mostly around the
hotel with an afternoon trip back to Hannah's Hope. Tonight will be a
special trip to a traditional Ethiopian restaurant with music and
dancing... I'll volunteer Sarah to do the shoulder dancing if they ask
for audience participation, or maybe she can do the insanely fast head
shake/twirl. We'll be sure to bring back video of this. One more
thing... During the morning hours, the families from our group whose
children have biological family-members to meet with will be taking
turns embracing that poigniant moment. Even though many of you will
read this after these meetings take place, please pray for the families
on both sides - those giving and those recieving the care of the
child(ren). It is a special, but understandibly heavy moment. Thanks
for your continued prayers through all of this. In Christ's Love,
Allan, Sarah and Melat.


Troy said...

What an amazing and heart-wrenching post.

We prayed for you guys this morning. Godspeed and safe travels coming back home TOGETHER!

Eastiopians said...

Thank you for providing such a wonderful visual of Hannah's Hope and the children. God bless you guys!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the updates, I will continue to pray for all of you on the adventure.


Jessica said...

We can't wait to see all your beautiful pictures and see that beautiful girl of yours!!!! You are in our prayers always!!