Tuesday, June 23, 2009

He Gives and Takes Away

When you're self-employed there are many months when you don't know where your income will come from. For the last year or so, due to changing contracts, we have known that we would probably be reaching the point where we had no income. Literally, no income. There were a few possibilities that were potentially available to tide us over until other work could be found, but as of today those have pretty much been ruled out. Another characteristic of barely scraping by each month is that its nearly impossible to maintain a savings account. What money is saved goes quickly when the van needs new tires, or someone visits the ER. (And then the Lord calls you to adopt....)

So, here we are. We will get our last known paycheck this week and then its up to the Lord. Not only will we not have the means to pay our mortgage or other bills next month, but the business will likely not have enough money to pay such things as our health insurance and the cell phone bill upon which our family relies. (We have no land line.) When you're self-employed you aren't eligible for unemployment. Our state has stopped accepting applications for state health insurance. Things are looking pretty bleak.

I am well aware that the Lord could have made all those pending pieces fall into place, but He chose not to. So, I have to believe that He will provide an alternative. Even if it involves watching the demise of our credit record and the possible foreclosure of our home, I guess He has more important things in store for us. He has carried us thus far.

Please pray for our family and that of my brother and sister-in-law, that we will be wise and seek the Lord -- and of course, that the Lord will provide work for my husband and his brother.

He gives and takes away. My heart will choose to say, "Blessed be the Name of the Lord."


jody said...

oh Sarah, praying!!! you know, there are jobs in Virginia maybe, like I hear in Blacksburg possibly....if only you had a dream to tell you about it....

Eastiopians said...

Praying for both of your families.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Oh, wow, not sure what to say. Heartbreaking. Praying that God will open a door soon for your beautiful family!!!!!

God Made Playdough said...

Praying!!!! I know it may not be comftorable, but please, please, please let us know if you ever need anything!
We seem to be getting healthy again, so lets do a playdate next week. Do you want to come here or the S.mall, or meet somewhere else. . .?
Love you and miss you! It's been a month at least! :(

Dawn said...

Sarah... I'm so sorry. Please know that you are being prayed for. This dumb economy is affecting so many people - its just so sad. I think of you often. Miss you guys!

tscarter7 said...

Dear sweet Sarah and all....we are praying and PLEASE let us do whatever we can to help you through this tough time. I love the verse you ended with. Hang onto it! love you tons!

Michelle said...

We're still praying for you guys every night! I too love the reference you put at the end. We can choose to praise Him in everything. I'm praying that this difficulty doesn't last long.

Angela Miller said...

Does this wild ride ever end? No, that's right it is called LIFE! I was doing ok until I read your post. Now I sit her crying. At least we are not alone. I know God will continue to provide for us. Maybe not in the way we envision it.

Ricci said...

Praying!!!! for you.