Monday, August 18, 2008

AGCI Picnic

Saturday was our annual regional AGCI picnic. It was for all the families in the area who have adopted through AGCI, are in the process of adopting, or are interested in adoption.

While I was excited to mingle with other families, I was anxious -- me? anxious? never! -- about the idea of meeting new people and bringing our boys into such an uncertain environment. After all, our case manager AND social worker would be there -- what if they saw what a unfit parent I am?!

As is often the case, however, we ended up enjoying ourselves -- even if my husband did have to force me, like the big baby that I am, to start conversations with complete strangers. The boys had a blast in the swimming area, which was enough distraction to keep them from uprooting/flooding/otherwise destroying the picnic area. We met many very nice people who are also in the Ethiopia program and exchanged information so we could keep in touch. (I am hopeful that we will actually do so, unlike the old summer camp ritual that never comes to anything!)

If nothing else, we got a picture with our case manager, Julie, (left) that will be nice to have to show our daughter someday...and not just as proof of her brothers' goofiness! And, no, I am not pregnant. That's just the beauty of a poofy shirt combined with a wiggly child.


Three2Five said...

I don't know if I have met you yet and If I have please please forgive me! I was just blogg surfing and I stumbled on yours. How exciting for you guys. I am so jealous that you went to the AGCI Picnic. My husband and I live In missouri, but we have told ourselves we will make it a financial priority to go next year!
I'm Bethany by the way. Feel free to check out my Blogg as well.

Our journey said...

Hi. I was there too, but didn't meet you! I have to force myself to talk sometimes too-I have always envied the extroverts in that respect. Sorry I missed you, but will hopefully see you at the picnic in January.


Erin said...

I feel like such a schmuck! I was sitting like 3 feet away from you guys with my little boy (yeah, same age as yours too) and I was being all shy myself. I really didn't mean to be. So, nice to meet you! I've been reading both your blogs for a while :)